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NAIFA- strategic plan-2030


NAIFA 2030 Strategic Plan: Draft Summary

On May 18-19, 2024, NAIFA’s Strategic Planning Committee convened in Washington to discuss the association’s five-year course following the merger with FSP and Life Happens in January 2024. This meeting marked the first step towards developing NAIFA 2030, an update to the NAIFA 2025 Strategic Plan. NAIFA engaged the Raybourn Group International to assist in the efforts.

Shortly after the meeting, a preliminary draft of NAIFA 2030 was circulated to the committee for input. Based on their feedback, a second draft was developed and presented to a Stakeholder Review Team for their review and input. A final draft was presented to the membership for feedback, with many suggestions incorporated.

The NAIFA Board of Trustees will discuss NAIFA 2030 at their September board meeting.

For a copy of NAIFA 2030, please complete the form.

For media inquiries of the plan, please contact our media relations team.

Download NAIFA 2030 Strategic Plan:
Draft Summary